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2019 Trophy and Scholarship Winners



Noventis Credit Union Award & Merit Award

DHS Senior Band

WBS Grade 7 & 8 Band




Noventis Credit Union Trophy (Individual or Group)

Kiera Chwaliboga

Sydney Burak


Noventis Credit Union Trophy (School Group) & Award

AEMS Grade 7 & 8


Kiwanis Club and District Music Camp Scholarship

Sydney Burak


Certificate of Distinction

Partners in Time





Evergreen School Division Trophy (School Choir)

Dr. George Johnson Middle School Grade 5 & 6 Choir


Noventis Credit Union Trophy (Choral Open) & Award

Northwest Vocal Ensemble (Arborg and Riverton)


Certificate of Distinction

SSES Grade 3 & 4 Choir




Kinsmen Club of Gimli Trophy (Orff)

Dr. George Johnson Middle School Grade 5 & 6


CIBC Arborg Award (Fiddling Solo)

Keenan Karish


Evergreen Festival Trophy (Best Instrumental Performance)

Keenan Karish


Riverton Elks Music Camp Scholarship

Amanda Drawberger



Gimli Municipality Trophy (Grades 1-3)

Ty Plett


CIBC Gimli Award (Grades 4-6)

Taylor Konnelsen


Town of Winnipeg Beach Trophy (Grades 7 & up)

Tanner Wahl


Lilja Martin Scholarship

Tanner Wahl

Taylor Konnelsen

Ty Plett


Johannes Palsson Memorial Scholarship

​Jaylene Plett

Tanner Wahl

Taylor Konnelsen




Minerva Ladies Aid Trophy (Grades  K-4)

Adalynn Tupper


Baker Law Trophy (Grades 5 and up)

Delaney Groot


Noventis Credit Union Award

Delaney Groot


Rotary Club of Gimli Trophy (Speech Choir)

SSES Mrs. Ploski's Grade 3 & 4 Class




Westshore Singers Award (12 years and under)

Ariel Aspen

Rebekah Aspen


Bayview Evangelical Church Trophy (Sacred)

Alec Baldwin

Lori Benn​


St. Michael’s Catholic Women's League Trophy (13 years and older)

Johannah Thordarson


Lillian Fridfinnson Memorial Scholarship 

Johannah Thordarson


Certificate of Distinction

DHS Vocal Ensemble


Certificate of Distinction

Krystal and Elin Isfeld



Evergreen Festival of the Arts

APR 11 - MAY 6, 2025


Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals

© Copyright 2025 by Evergreen Festival of the Arts

Manitoba, Canada

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